Sunday, November 6, 2016

Gran Turismo 2 Secrets

tours iquitos

tours iquitos is the massively popular PlayStation video game series, developed by Polyphony Digital. The first game, released on the PlayStation 1, really redefined the racing game genre, and was the most realistic racing game ever made. Featuring hundreds of cars, and the ability to customise every aspect of them, the game was a huge hit. The developers even confessed to putting microphones in every single car in the game's exhaust, just to get the sound exactly right.

With tours iquitos  2, they have taken this a step further. Gran Turismo 2 cheats the stereotype of what a racing game should be, as it has included rally racing, as well as the normal street/track racing from the first game. The game also expands on the number of cars, as well as improving the variety of car manufacturers. The game play is a realistic and magnificent as ever, and the simulation mode is one of the most rewarding gaming experiences I've ever played. You start out with 10,000 credits, in which you must buy your first car. From then on you must win more races to buy better cars and earn more trophies.

While there are no 'traditional' Gran Turismo 2 cheats (by this I mean button-input style cheats, that automatically unlock certain things), the game does have many secrets and hidden delights to be found. For example, to unlock the 'Motor Sports' track, you must successfully complete all of the licenses. There are also some hidden cars that can be unlocked by completing each license with a gold trophy for each license test. To unlock the Spoon S2000, you must get all gold on your B License, for the Dodge Concept Car, you'll need all gold on your A License, for the Honda Del Sol LM Edition, an all gold IB License, for the Mitsubishi 3000 GT LM Edition, all gold on the IC License, for the Mitsubishi FTO LM Edition, and all god IA License, and finally, for the legendary Toyota GT-ONE (TS020) race car, get gold on every S-license test.

Tag: tours iquitos